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Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Writer: AAA AMC - AAA Appraisal Management CompanyAAA AMC - AAA Appraisal Management Company

I’m sure I don’t have to repeat this very important fact but if you, your company and product are not on social media these days, chances are, you’re not doing yourself any marketing favors. The truth is, and as much as most of us would like to disagree, having a social media platform today will have a huge impact on whether or not you are seen, heard or selling tomorrow. Many of us, including me at the prime age of 25 (fine +2 lol) did not grow up with the influence of the internet and the hype of social media. But your current and absolutely your future buyers have! This very reason is why it is so important to engage your market on social media platforms like Snap Chat, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Now I know this can be overwhelming in the beginning but what I’m recommending is that you start off by absolutely getting the above accounts for yourself under yours or your companies name. To begin, you can start off slow and commit to making one post a week on each platform. This could be about anything! It could be to start introducing your self, products and services. It can follow by posting interesting articles you’ve read about your niche market, and eventually and most importantly, it can turn into sharing your own information that will be educational and valuable to both your customers as well as peers. What you want to achieve essentially is traffic towards these platforms that will in time have a positive influence on your sales. Mind you, this takes time, dedication and patience. You need to be consistent and most importantly, you need to form communities and personal relationships with others through your posts.  I know most of you are either too busy or may not be tech savvy enough to fuss with this. So what I recommend to you, is putting aside a budget to hire someone or a marketing agency to handle this for you. Trust me, you will thank yourself for making this step later and you will see a return on your investment! For more great tips, blogs, laughs and giveaways, be sure to follow me on all my social media platforms found bellow!

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